Cardi B throws mic at DJ while performing in Las Vegas’s Drai’s Nightclub.

In a fit of anger, Cardi B grabbed her microphone and threw it at the DJ booth, missing it by just a few inches. The crowd gasped in shock as the mic crashed into the wall, stopping the music for a moment.

Cardi B

Cardi B

Fans and reviewers alike were shocked and worried by what Cardi B did, and the news quickly spread online. Many people questioned her ability to deal with her anger in a professional way, while others defended her by saying that the DJ’s claimed disrespect caused her to lose it.


Cardi B, who is known for being blunt and honest, took to social media to talk about what happened. She said in a series of tweets that she had been having technical problems all night, and that the DJ’s acts were the last straw.


“I work hard to give my fans a good show, and it’s rude when someone messes with my performance,” she wrote. “I care about my fans, and I won’t let anyone ruin their experience.”

Cardi B throws mic
Cardi B throws mic

Even though Cardi B was in trouble, her loyal fans stood by her and praised her for standing up for herself and not letting anyone treat her badly. They sent out a lot of words of support on social media, reminding everyone that artists are also people who can get upset.


As the story kept making news, Cardi B’s team put out a statement in which they acknowledged her actions and apologised for any trouble they caused. They told fans that they were working to fix the technical problems and that future shows would go more smoothly.


Some people didn’t like how Cardi B behaved, but others praised her for being herself and not caring what other people thought of her. The event started a bigger discussion about the pressures and problems that artists in the entertainment business face.


As soon as the dust cleared, Cardi B went back on stage to give her fans the amazing shows they had come to expect. She learned from the situation and promised to deal with future problems in a more positive way.


In the end, the event was a good reminder that everyone has a breaking point, even celebrities, and that it’s important to talk about and solve problems in a respectful and professional way. Cardi B’s actions were controversial, but they also started a conversation about the challenges and pressures that artists in the media face.